At Mawiomi Treatment Center we offer different holiistic services to help our participants in a personalized way. Here's a brief view of our approaches.
Healing Treatments
Mawiomi Treatment Services Inc. Offers a residential program for Indigenous people suffering from alcohol/ chemical dependency. Mawiomi helps its residents and participants with a client-centred healing approach by incorporating the 7 sacred teachings. Included in our program are traditional teachings, crafting, drum making and distinctive Mi'gmaq ceremonies.
Cultural Approach
We offer our Indigenous People a chance to get to know different Indigenous Cultures. This gives them a chance to share what they know and to bring their own culture alive. Smudging - Sacred Fire - Sweat Lodge - Natural Medicines - 7 Principles - Basket and Drum Making - Arts and Crafts - Medicine Wheel - Sweetgrass Messages - Nature Walks
Continuum of Care
Mawiomi Treatment Services Inc. is committed to a fully client-centred approach in the healing experience and continuum of care for each of its residents. Mawiomi has seen an opportunity to better align itself with community partners, support networks, families and former residents. In alignment with our values and mission we have recently developed a new Aftercare Program which supports all graduates from week I up to 18 months post-treatment.*
*Our Services are handled in a highly confidential manner
Listiguj Outreach Office
Our Listuguj Outreach office is now open and will be central to all intake applications. For any referrals in Listiguj please go see: